While in Asia I contacted the director of the school, and asked if it was still safe. While watching the news, I noticed that the violence appeared to be escalating. He assured me everything was fine and that he would notify me if anything changed. I believed him, and was not worried.
Ten hours prior to my flight, I received a text from the director informing me that I couldn't go. The violence reached Leon and I would not be safe. In fact, the banks were closed, the schools were closed, and the government buildings were closed.
While disappointed at first, I understood. I have since watched CNN Espanol, and it shows the level of violence in that country. I'm extremely thankful I did not go.
Working with Expedia and American Airlines, they gave me several options. In the end, I chose Panama. I had 24 hours to figure out my plans: Where was I going? What school was I going to attend? What should I pack? Where would I stay?
I stayed two weeks in Panama City and attended school in Casco Viejo. While there, I stayed with a host family in a very modest, yet conveniently located apartment. To be honest, I saw many amazing sights and learned a lot, but the city was not for me. I could have spent 2-3 days in the city and seen all the touristy sites.
Those two weeks gave me time to decide what to do with my final 10 days. I located a school in Boquete and booked a flight. I stayed in a a hostel, and met amazing people. I loved everything about this area.

My friend an I broke snuck onto a farmers field and then into
an abandoned castle. It was amazing! My Fave!

How is my year of YES with my jaw....well, it's so so:
1) If you plan on doing a home stay and you have jaw problems, make sure you clarify that before hand. Obviously, Panama was not a well thought out vacation, so I didn't do that.
2) White water rafting-It was amazing. It was too much for my jaw. Way too much.
3) My pulsatile tinnitus has been acting up. I'm not surprised. Summer storms cause it, flights cause it, and I'm sure being so active didn't help. I'm not sure how to make it stop.
4) I am on a soft food/liquid diet, and will be for at least a week (if not longer). I might sneak one cheat day in there, but I will try to be stick to it.
5) Ice! I am icing my face.
Overall, I am thankful for the experience. Even though this adventure was completely unexpected, I enjoyed it and I learned quite a bit. But I am definitely glad to be home...at least for awhile.
I came home to my foster boy, Van!
My new kitchen!