Saturday, February 15, 2020

Post Surgery-Sex

Love is in the air, but physical acts of love can be extremely different post TMJ/TMD surgery or TMJ TJR.  

Many patients appear before middle aged and aging male surgeons.  Most of us come prepared with a litany of questions and concerns, yet blush when it comes to the more personal aspects of our recovery.  As I’m writing this, I’ll honestly tell you that I did not heed my own advice which is: Don’t be embarrassed, ask your surgeons. They have heard it all (& probably thousands of times).  Always consult your doctor!

The truth is, after most jaw surgeries you don’t feel well, your jaw is swollen shut, and you have a bobble head.  In fact, most of us are tired and lack energy post op.  You probably won’t even care about kissing or sex or anything physical for quite some time.

Now if you’re having TJR, all those symptoms are amplified by a million.  I left the hospital with a giant pumpkin πŸŽƒ head and in pain.  Most people are banded shut, but I was not. Nevertheless, when I came home post op I was in pain and didn’t  feel even the slightest bit pretty, but I did feel like a survivor  πŸ‘ ; therefore, anything other that healing was out of the question for me.  

Here are the questions many of us have:
  1.  how long after surgery should you wait to kiss? 😘 πŸ’‹ 
  2. How long after surgery should you wait to have sex?
  3. How long after surgery should you wait to have oral sex?

These are such intimate questions, but a healthy sexual relationship is a natural part of life. With that being said, most people said they resumed sexual activity when they felt like it or when their doctors told them they could (and that length of time varied depending on surgery and/or doctor-several months for more minor surgeries and six months-one year for TJR).

Most people post TJR wish that kissing were easier. For whatever reason, the post TJR jaw just doesn’t work like it use to. In addition, many patients are wearing braces  which can be painful and make kissing more difficult. As for oral sex, most women said they waited quite a bit of time and don’t perform it on a regular basis because it hurts.  Sex resumed when the patient felt better.  Men seem to not have as many aches and pains in regards to sex, kissing, and oral sex.

Post TJR I was more focused on my new normal than any type of physical/carnal activity.  My face was so sensitive that my cat 🐱 walked by me and his tail brushed (not even hit) up against my face and caused pain.  That’s how sensitive my face was 

TMD and The Workplace (Surgery, time off, Covid-19)

 TMD and the workplace   Many people ask how TMD affects people at work, especially post operation.  The truth is it really depends on the...