Friday, April 7, 2017

Keeping it possible?

I am weeks away from surgery.  Being well organized and prepared is imperative to my mental health and recovery.

Obviously, I am praying for total and complete healing.  A life without pain, being able to eat whatever I want, and a decent opening is my goal.  Eventually I want to run a 5K, travel the world without having to worry about my face, teach without pain, and eat whatever I want! 

I’m faced with the problem of trying to remain calm, while facing the scariest obstacle of my entire life.  Coming up with a plan to maintain my mind, body, and soul was necessary to keep my sanity.  Here’s what I am doing:

  1)  I am journaling almost everyday.  I write what I am grateful for, my goals, and what I want.  I also keep a daily prayer list (for myself and others).  This keeps me focused and actually relieves some of my anxiety.

  2) I walk every day.  This allows me time to relax and think about my day.  Sometimes I talk to friends, family, or neighbors.  Sometimes I am alone in my thoughts.

  3) I meditate.  In fact, I am looking for suggestions on who to listen to to help me with this. I am looking for a motivational speaker and has positive mantras. 
  4)I spend time with friends and family.  I surround myself in love J
  5)Not only do I spend time with my friends and family, but I also volunteer with an animal rescue group.  Not only have I met a whole knew group of friends, but I also have the pleasure of helping animals.

  6)I spend time with my furbaby-Gato.
  7)I took of a week before my surgery because I will have many doctor’s appointments in Miami.  This also gives me time to clean, prepare frozen smoothie meals, and relax.

  8)I cheat on my soft/liquid diet.  It hurts, but it is necessary. I am trying to gain 10 pounds/
9)I read uplifting literature.
10)I attempt to appreciate as much of life as I can.  I want my friends, family, colleagues, students, etc to know that value, admire, and respect them :)

I am blessed because I have such a fantastic support group.  My doctors have NEVER doubted me, my family is fully supportive, my friends and acquaintances are encouraging, and my job is understanding.  I am lucky!

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