Friday, June 19, 2015

The Second Opinion

Goodbyes are difficult

I spent two wonderful years in Kochi, Japan.  I had a fabulous job as an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) at Nakamura Jr & Sr High School.  I made many friends and learned much about the culture, language, and traditions.

                                              Nakamura Jr & Sr High School

I came home and made an appointment with my OMS surgeon.  He could see the problem with my bite right away.  He wanted me to go an orthodontist, and get a second opinion with them.  I had my fingers crossed because I didn’t want surgery again.  Not only did I not want surgery, I was hoping for some miracle.

An open bite

The orthodontist staff took my history and some basic x-rays.  Then the oral surgeon came in to see me, and let me know that I am not a candidate for braces.  My jaw is much too unstable and until I have total joint replacement (TJR) and Orognathic surgery, which can be done at one time. 

Orognathic surgery-what it looks like

I left his office with a pamphlet about Orognathic surgery, and felt a bit defeated.  This type of surgery is used to fix gross jaw discrepancies or facial skeletal discrepancies.  The surgeon makes an incision inside your mouth and they often cut the jawbone in several pieces, manipulate it into place, and pin it together.

I made an appointment with my OMS surgeon to discuss my options. 

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