Saturday, June 3, 2017

Post Surgery Appointments

So, what's happened in the two weeks after surgery?

Last week, exactly seven days after my surgery, I traveled to Miami for my first week post op appointment.  My surgeon was out of town, so I had an 11:45 with another surgeon in the office.  Because he had an emergency surgery, my appointment kept being pushed back. 

Day 6 after surgery

I finally went to the office, had my stitches removed (which doesn’t hurt), and rescheduled.

Even though a doctor didn’t treat me here are some facts about my healing at the one-week mark:
*Anesthesia messes with your entire body, even though my menstrual cycle was not due until the 24th, it came 15 days early.  If you are a woman, be prepared even if it’s not due.
*I use to bake and love sweets, but since the surgery sweet stuff grosses me out.
*Hot flashes are no joke. I have them all day, every day.
*I stopped taking pain meds six days post op.  I still hurt and my head is very sensitive, but I just power through it.
*In fact, my face is so sensitive that if my cat hits me with his tail, it hurts (normally it wouldn't).
*Using an Orastretch, I can open to a 30.
*My face is still frozen, I can grin (kinda), and my right eye is getting better.
*I am sensitive to certain smells.
*I walk about one mile a day.
*When I drink something cold, the first sip hurts.  It's strange because it's not my teeth that are sensitive, but my lower jaw.  I don't know.
*I have to wear my bandages another week, even though my stitches are out.

My Two Week Two Appointment:
*My appointment was scheduled for 3pm, but the office called and changed it to 11am.
*I arrived and they took pictures of the four locations my stitches where, and the scar is barely visible.
*My bite was measured at a 23 (on my own!)
*My face is still is sensitive and sore.
*My right eye is doing much better, though it still doesn’t close all the way.
*My face is still frozen, though my grin is getting slightly better.
*My surgeon is pleased with my progress and thinks I’m healing quite well.
*He moved me to phase two of my at home physical therapy.

*I also have to go to a physical therapist once a week.
*My OraStretch was changed to 40.
*Once I can open to a 40, I am allowed to bite into a burger!!!
*My diet is still soft.
*I am allowed to wear my retainers-my clear top retainer is easy to put in, but my old fashioned bottom retainer is painful to clip in.
*I am allowed light exercise.
*I am flossing, but not very well.
*I still use the prescription rinse.
*My hot flashes have subsided.
*I still don’t like sweets.
*I now walk two miles a day,
*I am not allowed to walk dogs because they don't want then to pull on me, accidentally knock me over, or jump on me.
*I have learned that if I over do it, I will feel terrible.
*No more bandages.
*I am cleared to go to work.

Trying to be "normal" at my friend Karlee's house.  I'm hanging out in the shade, but still need to ice after doing PT exercises.  Thank you Karlee for hosting, and Mackenzie, Lisa, and Jen for hanging out! xoxo

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